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FROM: Vice-Consul Tserèpis, Ayvalık
TO: Greek MFA, Athens; Royal Greek Embassy, Istanbul
AFFECTED AREAS: Kabakum/Dikili, Smyrna, Ayvalık
Ayvalık, 16 (29) June 1914
Turkish refugees have taken residence also in Kabakum, occupying Greek homes. Greek estates are being distributed to the occupiers for harvesting by the Authorities, for a pittance. Half of the proceeds shall go to the Turkish state, in reality to the Turkish navy; the other half will be collected and returned to the occupiers. Most of the stolen animals have been confiscated and have been taken to Smyrna; others to Ereğli. From all this, it is obvious that the plan fort he extermination of Hellenism continues frictionlessly and systematically.
Despite my efforts to get a hold of some photographs of dead bodies for the press office, I was not able to do so as the Authorities hasten to bury them outside the city.
CC: Royal Greek Embassy, Constantinople