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FROM: Governor General Petychakis, Mytilene
TO: Greek MFA, Athens
AFFECTED AREAS: Phocaea, Dikili, Çandarlı, Ayvalık, Yeniçarohori (Küçükköy)
Mytilene 2 (15) June 1914
Very Urgent
From refugees arriving today from Karaburun I am informed that the Turks there have barricaded themselves along with 20 cannons and a large number of soldiers.
2000 refugees arrived yesterday on Oinoussa island. Today, a charted steamer brought 5000 refugees from Phocaea, whose situation was so miserable that they could not be transported to Thessaloniki and had to alight in Eressos 4 days ago. Many were famished, and so were sick and wounded.
From Dikili arrived 2000 more, on a different steamer.
Hither came also two important men from Çandarli, one of which is a Russian, the other an Austrian citizen; they too had been forced out… They tell that in their area, the Turks, under the protection and the eyes of the Authorities, perpetrated unimaginable atrocities…
From the village Şakran 30 families left to go down to the coast. Only 7 people made it, the rest were killed.
In Kilisköy, the family of Christos Tsangkaris, all 8 of them, were slain, their infant killed by being dropped on vertically-planted long knives. From Ayvalık I have word that the village Yeniçeri Köyü, and even Ayvalık itself, are being threatened.