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FROM: Governor General Petychakis, Mytilene
TO: Greek MFA, Athens
AFFECTED AREAS: Edremit, Yenifoça
In Mytilene, 25 June [8 July] 1914
To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Complementing our 22 June telegram re: the arrival of Captain Boyle, the English Naval Attaché to Athens and Constantinople, we hereby report that a committee of Asia Minor inhabitants has come before him, presenting him with the details of the persecutions, the robberies, the kidnappings, in which even the official authorities took part –the Commander of the Gendarmerie and the Kaymakam included, themselves armed and threatening citizens hiding in their homes at night, demanding that they immediately hand over all available money and valuables. The members of the committee also handed Mr. Boyle a written protest, suggesting that he visits immediately –with the interpreters– all referenced places in order to verify the truth of their narration by cross-examining the events himself. Mr. Boyle kept detailed notes and promised to advocate with the English Ambassador in Athens that their proposal be accepted.
On this occasion, we deem productive to present here other events that have come to our attention these past few days, concerning the persecutions but also the general state of things.
Tasoula Marianou, from New Phocaea, escaped persecution by fleeing with her husband to the mountains. The next morning, however, because they were hungry, her husband was forced to go back to the town to bring some food. But the evening came and her husband had not come back, so she had to climb back down as well. As soon as she was home, she found her husband murdered. Another woman from the same town, despite being 80 years old, was beaten by the gendarmes and had her animals stolen. From a trusted letter correspondent, we learn that the Commander of the Gendarmerie [….]