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FROM: Consul General Kapsabèlis, Smyrna
TO: Greek MFA, Athens; Royal Greek Embassy, Istanbul
AFFECTED AREAS: Smyrna, Old Phocaea
Smyrna 1 (14) June 1914
The Metropolitan Bishop of Smyrna, together with local demogerontes (elected elders), met the just-arrived Minister of Internal Affairs, who confessed to Christian persecutions, adding that he wished to speak honestly. He has always been against the persecution of Christians, even if this damages the State. He shall remain here until the situation ameliorates and perpetrators be punished, those who won’t comply shall be sent to Yemen, if necessary the army shall be called to intervene. The Minister called upon the Metropolitan to travel to Old Phocaea. The Metropolitan’s impression is that the Minister is devastated by fear of the repercussions of the persecutions. He seemed apologetic.