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FROM:  Consul General Dimaras, Smyrna

TO: Greek MFA, Athens; Royal Greek Embassy, Istanbul

AFFECTED AREAS: İzmir, Gerenköy, Menemen

Smyrna, 26 June (9 July) 1914

The following events took place the day before yesterday and became known to us yesterday:
In Zeyrekli, a suburb of Smyrna, they stole the goats of Ioannis Kasimatis and beat up his son. They also took the sheep of Georgios Vrontos and injured the shepherd Georgios Halikias from Menemen. Refugees from Gerenköy sent a letter to the Metropolitan Bishop of Smyrna informing him that returning to their village was impossible because anyone who tried to go back home was chased away by Muslim refugees shooting rifles.
In Makace, two hours away, they killed a man called Manolis from the village of Ypsili, whilst he was asleep. Eye-witnesses identified the murderers in the Aya Yiorgi çiftlik.
The Interpreter of the Russian Embassy visited the village together with Şükrü Bey, but right after they departed, the Turks looted the home of Anna Othonos and stole the priest’s and three more inhabitants’ animals. In the village of Hasköy, four murdered grocers from Epirus, in Greece, have been identified: Anastasis Papaioannou, Georgios Georgiadis, Christos Papaefstathiou, Athanasios Christodoulou. Their murder has been verified. Even the Valı himself confessed to it.

CC: Royal Greek Embassy, Constantinople