Eye Witness


Greek MFA


Félix Sartiaux

11 June 1914

12-13 June 1914: The sacking of Phocaea

11 June 1914

On the 11th of June 1914, French engineer and archaeologist Félix Sartiaux witnesses in Old Phocaea the first arrivals of refugees from New Phocaea. The Ottoman Greeks are starting to leave the town, in boats, in panic. He asks for help and protection from the local authorities and the gendarmerie, but they assure him that peace reigns supreme everywhere and he’s nothing to worry about.

Félix Sartiaux’s photographs all (c) Kallimages/ Haris Yiakoumis, from “Phocée 1914: le témoignage de Félix Sartiaux” ed. Kallimages, Paris 2008
This is an interactive video. Related videos will pop up during play as well as on the end screen. You can also access them via the sequential tabs on top of the video. Choose how you want to proceed in your journey.
This is an interactive video. Related videos will pop up during play as well as on the end screen. You can also access them via the sequential tabs on top of the video. Choose how you want to proceed in your journey.

Old Phocaea (Eski Foça)

Félix Sartiaux

Charles Manciet

Anastasis Pallas

Giorgos Tzitziras

 Anastasios Giannaris

 Antonios Kapsambelis

Thanassis Papoutsis

 Nikolaos Tsakalos

New Phocaea (Yeni Foça)

